Education and Outreach

This portion of the our www site is devoted to making U.S. GLOBEC studies and activities more accessible to students and others. Anyone with an interest in what climate change can mean for our oceans, marine life, and - ultimately - for all of us, will want to check in here from time to time. Do you have a general interest in the study of marine life and oceanography? You'll want to come back here, too ....

© Turnstone Publishing Group; text and images reprinted with permission.

Mystery of the
Vanishing Fishes

Georges Bank, Northwest Atlantic

A recent book for young adults called OCEAN DETECTIVES (2000; Steck-Vaughn Publishing Group) includes an excellent chapter on the precipitous decline of cod and haddock on Georges Bank, and the efforts underway by U.S. GLOBEC scientists to understand the problem. Authored by Mary Cerullo, she writes that "Georges Bank was once one of the richest fishing areas in the world. But now overfishing has caused the huge schools of fishes to vanish. Scientists studying the fishes have found that usually 99 percent of baby fishes don't make it to their first birthday. What things kill the baby fishes of Georges Bank?" ....

Mystery of the Vanishing Fishes [4.4 Mb; please be patient] ....

For further reading .... An excellent general account of the U.S. GLOBEC Georges Bank Program appeared in the Quincy (MA) Patriot-Ledger in late December, 1997:

  Juvenile codfish on pebble substrate
of Georges Bank

A New Understanding:

Scientists are Recording the Weather, Currents and Biology of the Georges Bank Fishing Grounds to Predict Future Stocks of Cod and Haddock

by:Eric Niiler / Quincy (MA) Patriot-Ledger
23 December, 1997 - Reprinted with permission

  • U.S. GLOBEC Scientist Honored by President Clinton as a "Presidential Early Career Award" Winner ....

  • The U.S. GLOBEC research community was extensively represented at the Ocean Sciences 2000 meeting held recently in San Antonio, TX. Links to meeting abstracts of specific oral presentations and posters highlighting U.S. GLOBEC sponsored scientific research - from phytoplankton to whales - have been compiled by region:

    • Research results from the Northeast Pacific Region are listed HERE

    • Research results from the Northwest Atlantic / Georges Bank Region are listed HERE

  • Scientists on a U.S. GLOBEC Research Cruise Assist in the Rescue of 3 Canadian Fishermen

  • U.S. GLOBEC Scientist Honored by NOAA as an "Earth Day hero" ....

Last updated: 24 September, 2001
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