Workshop in Ukraine to Discuss Arabian Sea

The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (Joel Goldman and Hugh Livingston) will co-host a workshop in Sevastopol, Ukraine, together with the Marine Hydrophysical Institute and the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, September 20-24, 1993. The purposes of the workshop are, first, to disseminate data and literature from previous research activities of Former Soviet Union (FSU) oceanographers in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean to U.S. scientists, and, second, to provide the opportunity for U.S. scientists to describe to FSU colleagues the current U.S. and other international interests in the forthcoming Arabian Sea initiatives of JGOFS, ONR, and GLOBEC. These interactions will greatly aid planning efforts underway in the U.S. for research in the Arabian Sea in 1995 and 1996.

The workshop will afford the opportunity for FSU scientists to establish scientific contacts with their U.S. counterparts, and to form connections which will hopefully lead to scientific cooperation both in the Arabian Sea and in other ocean regions of mutual interest. The workshop is being funded jointly by NSF, ONR and NOAA as part of the JGOFS, ONR/Arabian Sea, and U.S. GLOBEC programs. Those attending from the U.S. GLOBEC program include Drs. Sharon Smith, Charles Miller, David Stein and Bill Peterson, representing zooplankton and myctophid fish interests. For details on the results of the workshop and information on future research opportunities, contact Bill Peterson at the U.S.GLOBEC Interagency Program Coordination Office at (301) 713-2367, Omnet: W.PETERSON.

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